Online Course | The Marketing Nerdz

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Attention: Aspiring copywriters, marketers, entrepreneurs…This gives you high converting copy in minutes (no copywriting skills required)

How To Become An AI Powered Copywriter in Just 2 Hours

(Master this skill to get high paying clients, and working from anywhere)

14 Days Money Back Gurantee!

Imagine it’s a Monday morning. 


You flip open your laptop and type a few simple prompts into Chat GPT.


Within minutes, you have an email sequence ready for review. 


You make a few minor edits, and you’ve got an email sequence staring back at you. It’s good, real good.


You hit “send” with confidence, knowing it’s going to make your client extremely happy. 


Leaning back in your chair, you take a satisfying sip of your kadak adrak waali chai.


Ding! Your phone lights up:”Payment Received.”


It’s a substantial sum, more than what Sharma Ji ka beta earns in a week. 


And you’ve earned it in less than an hour.


You can’t help but smile, thinking about how life has changed since you became an AI-Powered Copywriter.


This isn’t a hypothetical situation; it’s one of my recent experiences.

As you can see, I was able to make the above mentioned amount for a simple 7-day email sequence.


An email sequence that took me around an hour to create, thanks to Chat GPT.


BTW, that breaks down to $80 (₹6k+) per email. 


It’s my reality. And it could be yours, too.

In Just 2 Hours From Now

You’ll be writing high converting copy at lightning speed without sacrificing quality.

You’ll be the go-to copywriter who charges premium fees.


Picture this: You, working from a beach in Bali or a shack in Goa.


Meanwhile, your old 9-to-5 friends are stuck working late, hoping to impress their boss for a promotion they might never get.

Remember, opportunities like this don’t last forever.

Those who start early will be the legends of tomorrow. 


Starting early is the secret!

If you had invested in bitcoin in 2011, you’d be a millionaire today.


If you had started drop shipping in 2015, you’d also be a millionaire.


Most people fail to build wealth, because they wait too long.


But guess what? A fresh opportunity is knocking.


This is your chance to be an early adopter of AI. 


And that’s why this is the most important letter you’ll read in 2023. 


Read it carefully, then read it again.


Then decide if you want to be part of the AI revolution or remain a spectator.

Left to wonder how your life could have been different.

If only you had the courage to start early.

A bit about us.

I’m Anoop, a marketing consultant & an AI-powered copywriter. 


I’ve been a full-time online entrepreneur since 2013. 


And have built several six-figure online businesses.

I’m Anoop, a marketing consultant & an AI-powered copywriter. 


I’ve been a full-time online entrepreneur since 2013. 


And have built several six-figure online businesses.

I’m Anoop, a marketing consultant & an AI-powered copywriter. 


I’ve been a full-time online entrepreneur since 2013. 


And have built several six-figure online businesses.

Today, we’d like to share our AI copywriting blueprint for aspiring copywriters, marketers and entrepreneurs. 


We’ve put together a 2-hour masterclass. 


This will be a quantum leap in your copywriting career. 


One that moves you from being just another copywriter in the crowd to a star player in your space. 


The best part?

You Don’t Need To Be a Pro At Writing

Lots of people think you have to be a really good writer to become a highly paid copywriter.


That sounds true, but it’s not.


Here’s the thing: You don’t need to have a Ph.D. in English to become a highly paid copywriter.


In fact, while I was in school, my English teacher, Flora mam, was never thrilled with my writing.


And I bet she’d still have a thing or two to say about it.


But that doesn’t stop me from charging $80 (₹6k+) for a 500 word email.


And it shouldn’t stop you either.


The latest figures show that 57 percent companies have a documented content marketing strategy in place (Semrush, 2022).


That means 43 percent of companies don’t even have a documented content strategy.


So by simply creating a content strategy, you can significantly boost their revenue.


And can get paid a generous amount for that.


The companies that are already doing content marketing, you can help them do it even better.


It’s a booming industry.


Here’s what a business owner recently paid me for writing 26 emails.

But that’s not all.

Ignoring AI isn’t just a bad move, it’s career suicide.

Think about the businesses that never got online.

What happened to them?


Mark my words: Copywriters who don’t jump on the AI train are on their way to becoming dinosaurs.

They won’t be able to compete with the new generation of AI-powered copywriters.

Manual copywriting can be painfully slow.

Research, drafting, revising, editing.

Each of these steps eats away at your precious time.

And in today’s world, Time = money.

AI is changing the game, making everything faster, smarter, and way more efficient.

AI gives you the unfair advantage of crafting high-converting copy effortlessly.

So, quit stressing about whether you’re an “expert writer.”

Spend that energy on mastering AI tricks that’ll leave the competition in the dust.

Our masterclass gives you the essential skills to not just survive but thrive in the evolving AI landscape, ensuring you are always one step ahead.

This masterclass is dramatically different from anything else you’ve ever seen about copywriting, anywhere.

There’s no fluff.

No filler. No “theory.”

You can go through it in just 2 hours.

And walk away with the strategies we normally charge thousands of dollars to our clients to implement.

Here’s What Awaits You Inside
This 2 Hours Masterclass

Here’s What Awaits You InsideThis 2 Hours Masterclass

● Turbocharge Your Copywriting with AI
Complete multiple client projects in a single day, freeing up your calendar for leisure or even more client work. All while maintaining top-notch quality.
● Master the Art of AI-Driven Headlines
Crafts hooks so compelling they’re like the first bite of a hot pizza, irresistible and unforgettable.
● Learn from the Masters
Karan, Anoop, and Deep – Who better to guide you than a trio of industry-leading experts? With years in the game, our methods aren’t theories; they’re proven strategies that have made us and will make you serious money.
● Be a One-Person Copywriting Agency with AI
Our masterclass will turn you into a one-person copywriting agency. You’ll be able to execute tasks that would traditionally take a team of researchers, copywriters, and strategists, and do it faster and more efficiently.
● Generate Unlimited Content Ideas Using AI
Imagine having an invisible assistant constantly coming up with irresistible content ideas for you.
● Cut your research time in half
Learn our proven AI prompts that are making manual research obsolete.

Here's What You’ll Get

Core Offer:
Two-Hour Live Masterclass with Industry Titans Karan, Anoop, & Deep.
(Valued at a minimum of ₹5,000)
Why settle for less when you can be mentored by the industry’s best?

We don’t share theories. We share proven AI strategies that are working for us right now.

You’ll also get a certification of completion.
Bonus 1:
7-Day Access To Exclusive WhatsApp Group
(Valued at a minimum of ₹2,000)
Forget about scrolling through countless forums and websites.

Get your questions answered and start seeing results, fast!

In this private whatsapp group, you’ll be able to ask questions and get answers directly from us (Karan, Anoop, and Deep).

You will also be networking with other like-minded individuals.

It’s networking, mentorship, and a community, all rolled into one.
Bonus 2:
Three “Plug-and-Play” AI Prompts To Skyrocket Your Efficiency
(Valued at a minimum of ₹1,500)
1. Client Proposal Prompt: No more guesswork; know exactly what to say to close that deal.

2. Meeting Summary Prompt: Condense hours of chatter into actionable steps in minutes.

3. Landing Page Prompt: Write copy for opt-in & webinar registration pages lightning fast.
Bonus 3:
How to Turn Chat GPT into Your Personal Life Coach
(Valued at a minimum of ₹1,500)
Mindset plays a huge role in determining whether you will be successful or not.

But as we know, mindset coaches are expensive.

That’s about to change.

I’ve been personally experimenting with Chat GPT’s coaching skills, and the results are eye-opening.

The AI has the ability to ask probing questions that force you to look within and find solutions.

I’ve never released this info anywhere else. Consider it your secret weapon.

Total Value ₹10,000

But today you won’t pay anything close to that.

The total investment for the AI Powered Copywriting Masterclass + 3 exclusive bonuses is just


Yes, you read that right!
14 Days Money Back Gurantee!

here's What Other Says

Why Are We Charging So Little For All This?

You might be thinking, “Why is the price so low?”


Well, we’ve got a big plan.


We want to build a team of top-notch copywriters who are experts in using AI.


Down the road, we want to work on big, exciting projects.


For that, we need more people who know our system inside and out.


That could be you!


So, if you learn from this and get really good, you won’t just be another copywriter.


You’ll be a vital part of our network, with whom we can collaborate on projects we can’t handle alone.


By the way, that’s how I met Karan & Deep.


I signed up for Karan’s training in 2022, where Deep was also learning.


We connected, stayed in touch.


And look at us now, running this masterclass as a trio.


So if you are ready to be a part of something big click the button below!

14 Days Money Back Gurantee!
Clock is ticking!

We are holding this 2-hour AI-Powered Copywriting Masterclass on [Insert Date Here], as a one-time test run.

We are validating the funnel, and getting ready to add this masterclass in our upcoming flagship copywriting program.

After this test run, this specific masterclass will NEVER be available for 299 INR again.


I’m not being dramatic; I’m dead serious.

This material is going to become part of a higher-priced package, and this is your unique chance to access it for the cost of a Starbucks coffee.

Once the timer hits zero, this offer will be off the table, locked into our premium program that’s priced way higher.

Your decision to invest 299 Rupees today in this masterclass could be the turning point for your life and career.

This Truly Is A Limited-Time Offer… So book your slot now

14 Days Money Back Gurantee!

Think about it: 299 INR gets you what, a cup of coffee from Starbucks?


Sure, it’s a nice treat.


You take that steaming cup, find the perfect light, and click a selfie to post on Instagram.


But what do you really get?


If you’re lucky, a few likes and maybe a couple of comments from friends.


But what if you could invest that 299 Rupees into something more valuable?


Like our 2-hour AI-Powered Copywriting Masterclass?


For the price of a Grande Latte, you get a ticket to potentially earn in lakhs per month.


We’re talking about acquiring a skill that’s in high demand, and is practically recession-proof.


So don’t hesitate, for the cost of a coffee, you could transform your career.


Make the Smart Choice Now!

14 Days Money Back Gurantee!
✅ Act Now: Secure Your Spot Before Time Runs Out!
Still not convinced?

Let Me Take All The Risk Off Of You!

Guarantee #1: The Zero-Risk 14-Day Money-Back Promise
We’re so confident in this class, we’re offering a no-questions-asked, 14-day money-back guarantee. If, after taking the masterclass, you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, just shoot an email to We’ll refund every single rupee, no questions asked.
Guarantee #2: Write better Copy Or We Pay You!
Two weeks. That’s all it takes. If within that time, you don’t find yourself writing a higher-quality copy faster than before. We’ll do more than just refund your 299 rupees.

We’ll reach into our own wallets and send you an additional 500 rupees, for putting your trust in us.

You have no risk. So lock in your slot right now.
14 Days Money Back Gurantee!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to answer all the commonly asked questions about the masterclass

1. What exactly will I learn in the AI-Powered Copywriting Masterclass?

In this masterclass, you’ll learn the art and science of copywriting in the age of AI. We go far beyond basic copywriting strategies. We’re talking about utilizing AI tools to do market research, generate compelling email ideas, craft persuasive headlines, and even draw up your Ideal Client Avatar.

2. How is this different from other copywriting courses?

This isn’t your traditional copywriting course. We’re leveraging AI technology to turbocharge your skills. While other courses teach you to write, we teach you how to write smarter and faster by harnessing the power of AI. That makes you more valuable in a market that’s already saturated with conventional copywriters.

3. Is this course suitable for beginners?

Absolutely. The course is designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned copywriters.

4. What’s the format of the course?

The course is a 2-hour online masterclass led by three digital marketing veterans, Karan, Anoop, and Deep. Expect a highly interactive, hands-on learning experience where you can get real-time answers to your questions.

5. Do I need to be tech-savvy to benefit from this?

Nope. If you can use a word processor, you can benefit from this course. We’ll guide you through setting up and using AI tools so it’ll become second nature to you.

6. What about the price? Why is it just 299 INR?

Nope. If you can use a word processor, you can benefit from this course. We’ll guide you through setting up and using AI tools so it’ll become second nature to you.

7. Are there any bonuses included?

Absolutely. We’ve designed 3 bonuses that will enhance your learning experience. These add value far beyond the 299 INR you’ll be investing.

8. Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, there is a 30-day “No questions asked money back” Guarantee. Also If you don’t see measurable improvement in your copywriting skills or speed within 14 days, we will give you 500 rupees from our own pocket.

9. How long will I have access to the masterclass?

You get lifetime access. Yes, that means you can revisit the masterclass as often as you need, refreshing your skills.

10. How quickly can I start seeing results?

You can start seeing results right after finishing the masterclass. But I also include a 14 days plan if you follow our step-by-step plan. This plan is built to give you actionable insights, not just theoretical knowledge.

11. Do I need to invest in paid tools to become an AI powered copywriter?

Nope, Chatgpt 3 is completely free. And it’s enough to turn you into a highly skilled AI powered copywriter. That said, there’s the premium version GPT 4 that is more powerful. But we suggest starting with the free version, and only get the paid version once you are making a consistent income.